Sunday, May 30, 2010

Hey Guys! So, blogging...hmmphh. It's alot harder than i thought :] Im thinking about doing a series of blog posts on movie stars and then on fashion and then on sports or something. No, I have absoulutly no idea what im talking about. :) Ok, so i have this.."HABIT"..that everything must be organized. Which if you know me, is really weird because i am probably the messiest person you will ever meet in your entire life, this is because like many people out there in the world, "I HATE TO CLEAN!" (you can qoute me on that). I mean, i clean like i don't neccisarily live in a pigsty but it is basically on the bottom of my checklist of things to do. So, if you hate to clean..then why are you obsessed with organizing? you ask yourself. WELL! For example,  a pile of papers must be neat, they could be sitting in the middle of the floor but they must be in a neat little pile. Organizing leads to my other obsesion, LABELING! I label everything i can possibly get my hands on (did that sound wrong?!). By writing this post, i have put off the tedious(is that how you spell it?) task of cleaning. blech. SO. I must go and...clean. ew. pray for me :) teehee!
ME xoxoxoxoxoxo :)

Friday, May 28, 2010

Hello everyone!

Hello Everyone! (or whoever is reading this because i still currently have no followers, thanks guys! teehee) So, I decided to change the font and color of my post, ya know spice it up! :) So, I finnally found some time to post a blog today! It was almost impossible BUT I did it! Well today is Friday (in case you didn't know). THANK GOD THE WEEKEND IS HERE! And to make it even better, it is a 3 day weekend (I'm off on monday day?...i think..haha) I also wanted some feedback from anyone who reads this, such as what should i post about? ex. my life, curent events, movie stars, etc. orrr a little bit of everything?! So, this blog could possibly be about my lovely day. OOPS! i got to go! Me being myself, lost track of time and is now going to be late! so, i bid you all a farewell, have a lovely night and remember to wear underwear. :)
Me. xoxoxo (EMAIL ME) now!!!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

followers...the unattainable quest

Followers. My unattainable quest. This where my dillema comes into play. Not only have I made many blogs about varios topics BUT i have never had one follwer except myself! so i beg you..if you are curiosly flipping through blogs on and you come across my blog simply sroll down and click one button. ONE BUTTON! This almighty button ,"Click Here To Become a Follower", leaves you with one task...TO CLICK IT!  And then simply tell EVERYONE  you know about my blog and WALAH! POOF! KAZAM! GUESS WHAT?! I. HAVE. FOLLOWERS. Even though the dream of becoming a blogging genius with hundreds of followers seems unrealistic but to me, its a goal. A goal I choose to accomplish. Whether i become an instant blogging star over night, in a week, in a month, in a year, in 5 years, or a hundred years, it will happen, in time perhaps but it will. So, reader, i ask of you 3 easy tasks to help me on my quest.
2.) Tell everyone and anyone and whomever you want about my blog and tell them to check it out (this includes telling men, women, children, goblins, vampires and/or unicorns)
3.) The final request: Answer my one question. EMAIL ME, COMMENT, SEND ME A MESSAGE, BECOME A STALKER AND CALL ME (just kidding..please dont!! teehee), WHATEVER, JUST ANSWER MY ETERNAL QUESTION!

My question is: How do i get followers? simple as that. 5 words, millions of answers, one dream!! (yes i no i am deep). This question is for all you big writers out there who know the answers, who have followers and who will give me the answer!

Now, i listen to the great winds, strong lightning and loud thunder from my cumputer desk, i bid you a goodbye.



Monday, May 24, 2010

What is a blog?

What is a blog? This question has puzzled my mind. A blog. Hey! I wanna write a blog! was my thought. So, I set it up and went to make my first post and this is where i thought..what is a blog. What do I write about? What if my past attempts at blogs follow through with zero followers? I am stumped. So I sit at my cumputer desk, my hands tapping the keys on the keyboard..thinking. And now im sharing my inner thoughts with you! So as i travel, think, dream, imagine, eat, design, and pretend, you can do it with me. Maybe this isn't what a blog is supposed to be but, its my blog. So, Welcome aboard.